Read about Implementing Firestopping Solutions

Gerco Group will provide:

With the fire compartment walls firmly established and the meticulous work of the mechanical and electrical trades completed, the stage is now set for the Gerco Group fire stopping engineers to step in. Leveraging their expertise and utilizing advanced products, they are primed to execute the critical task of implementing the fire stopping process. This next phase ensures the building’s enhanced safety, bolstering its defences against the potential spread of fire & smoke, cementing its compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

What we offer

This involves a series of steps that ensure safety and compliance with fire resistance ratings, all of which can be undertaken prior to the Operative’s interaction with the workface

Identify the type of wall (Flexible, Rigid, Composite Panel). Firestopping procedures differ depending on the type of wall.
Select the appropriate firestop product, aligned to product testing, penetrating service type and composition, and desired fire rating.
Install the firestop product, of which the process will vary depending on the product.
Ensure compliance with fire resistance ratings, product installation guidance and building fire strategy.
Consider ‘Additional Protection’ for insulation purposes and advanced installation methods to counteract fibre migration to ‘clean’ and ‘sensitive’ areas.
Regular inspection, quality control and maintenance to ensure the installations remain effective throughout the project lifecycle and beyond.


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